TOPick (10/11/2021)(In Chinese)
【兒童糖尿病】經常口渴飲水體重驟減1/3 低燒兩星期不退揭3歲女童患糖尿病 查看原始文章:【兒童糖尿病】經常口渴飲水體重驟減1/3 低燒兩星...
Below are a some press coverage on YDA and diabetes that has been received. One of YDA’s objective is to promote community awareness and knowledge of diabetes’ effect on children and adolescents. We will continue to try to raise as much awareness about diabetes and the work that we do as much as possible. Please help us spread the word.
【兒童糖尿病】經常口渴飲水體重驟減1/3 低燒兩星期不退揭3歲女童患糖尿病 查看原始文章:【兒童糖尿病】經常口渴飲水體重驟減1/3 低燒兩星...
糖尿病|港童患二型糖尿病20年升近倍 家長精神及經濟負擔沉重望增支援 查看原始文章:糖尿病|港童患二型糖尿病20年升近倍 家長精神及經濟負...
胰島素100年 | 糖尿病曾是不治之症!內科專科醫生詳解胰島素功能、糖尿病治療方法 查看原始文章:專家解碼|胰島素100年 | 糖尿病曾是不治之症...
專家解碼|在家零食吃不停?專家推介親子製作低糖健康小食名單 查看原始文章:專家解碼|在家零食吃不停?專家推介親子製作低糖健康小食名...
培養良好生活習慣 預防兒童二型糖尿病 Original Link:培養良好生活習慣 預防兒童二型糖尿病 以往糖尿病多屬年長人士常見的慢性疾病,但近年,...
糖尿病種類|攝取過量糖份引起一型糖尿病?醫生拆解一型糖尿病成因、病徵、治療方法 Original Link:糖尿病種類|攝取過量糖份引起一型糖尿病?...
Dr Wong, YDA Hon Medical Advisor, and Mrs Hui, family of YDA member, share their experience with type 1 diabetes in Part 2 of RTHK’s radio programme. ...
The coronavirus outbreak has created a shortage in alcohol swabs and making it expensive to purchase. One of our members talk to i-Cable News. ...
Dr Wong, YDA Hon Medical Advisor, and YDA members Louie, Jeffery and Katrina shares their experiences with diabetes. ...