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BlueTube Challenge
01/11/2021 to 30/11/2021

Get active whilst raising awareness of diabetes this Blue November.
Step 1:
Wear something blue.
Step 2:
Choose the challenge level:
- Easy: get creative and make a circle pose, e.g. yoga pose, exercise with hula hoop.
- Challenging: exercise for 20 minutes or do 100 repetitions e.g. squats, sit ups, lunges etc.
Step 3:
Take a photo or video to post on Instagram or Facebook, and tag 3 friends (or as many as you like) to take on the challenge. Here’s the message to post:
I am taking the #YDABlueTubeChallenge. Let’s get active and make a noise for #diabetes. Did you know… Diabetes needs to be managed 24/7 – there is no break. Children with Type 1 diabetes need to do an average of 6 finger-prick tests and 4 insulin injections every day to stay alive.
YDA BlueTube Challenge
- Wear something blue.
- Choose to exercise for 20 mins or do 100 reps. Alternatively get creative with doing a yoga circle pose photo.
- Take a photo/video and upload! Tag 3 friends (or as many as you like) to take on this Challenge or make a donation to YDA (www.yda.org.hk/donate-now).
#YDA #YDABlueNovember #WorldDiabetesDay #Insulinat100 #Supportingchildrenwithdiabetes
Copy and paste
For those who prefer to do a Stories post:
- include #YDABlueTubeChallenge
- tag your friends
- tag YDA at (IG @yda_hk, FB @youthdiabetesactionhk)
Taking the YDA Blue Tube Challenge further
If you want to take this challenge even further you can:
- do the Challenge more than once
- tag more people
- set up your own fundraising page on Charitable Choice to see how much money you can raise. Go to Charitable Choice website to setup your page and share to raise funds: https://www.charitablechoice.org.hk/en/charities/youth-diabetes-action